
Fame | Carlos Moy net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Carlos Moyá? When is Carlos Moyá's birthday? Where is Carlos Moyá born? Where did Carlos Moyá grow up from? What's Carlos Moyá's age?

Carlos Moyá Born: August 27, 1976 (age 46years), Palma, Spain

Is Carlos Moyá married? When did Carlos Moyá get married? Who's Carlos Moyá's married to? (Who's Carlos Moyá's husband / wife)?

Carlos Moyá Spouse: Carolina Cerezuela (m. 2011)

Does Carlos Moyá have any children? What are the names of Carlos Moyá's children? What are the ages of Carlos Moyá's children?

Carlos Moyá Children: Carlos Moy Cerezuela

How about Carlos Moyá's retired?

Carlos Moyá Retired: November 17, 2010

How about Carlos Moyá's nationality?

Carlos Moyá Nationality: Spanish

How tall is Carlos Moyá in meters or centimeters?

Carlos Moyá Height: 1.91m

How about Carlos Moyá's grand slams?

Carlos Moyá Grand slams: 1

Did Carlos Moya ever win a Grand Slam?

Summary and details of all the Grand Slam finals made by Carlos Moy, with statistics about how many he won and how many he lost and information by tournament and by year. How many Grand Slam finals did he play? Carlos Moy reached a total of 2 finals, of which he won 1 and lost 1 (a winning percentge of 50.0%).

How many Grand Slams has Carlos Alcaraz won?

He has won two of the first 10 Grand Slams in which he's played, and has already achieved more than most do in their entire careers. Already at the pinnacle of tennis, he is the youngest player ever to climb to the top of the Pepperstone ATP Rankings.

Who is Alcaraz coach?

His fitness coach Juanjo Moreno has explained how Alcaraz surprised even those closest to him.


Larita Shotwell

Update: 2024-06-30