
Fame | Eric DeCosta net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How about Eric DeCosta's posit?

Eric DeCosta Posit: Executive vice president & general manager

How old is Eric DeCosta? When is Eric DeCosta's birthday? Where is Eric DeCosta born? Where did Eric DeCosta grow up from? What's Eric DeCosta's age?

Eric DeCosta Born: April 10, 1971 (age 52years), Taunton, Massachusetts, United States

How about Eric DeCosta's education?

Eric DeCosta Education: Trinity College, Colby College, Taunton High School

How about Eric DeCosta's nationality?

Eric DeCosta Nationality: American

How old is Eric Decosta?

Eric and his wife, Lacie, have a daughter, Jane Elizabeth (19), who is a sophomore at Penn State, and two sons, Michael Litz (15) and Jackson James (11).

Is Eric Decosta married?

Eric and his wife, Lacie, have a daughter, Jane Elizabeth (19), who is a sophomore at Penn State, and two sons, Michael Litz (15) and Jackson James (11).

Is Eric Decosta Portuguese?

DeCosta is the grandson of Portuguese immigrants and the son of a man who ran two manufacturing companies that built metal devices. His mother, Donna, worked in a bank.


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-07-24