
Family Feud Contestant Keeps Repeating the Same Wrong Answer: Watch


This is rough. A recent episode of Family Feud took a bizarre turn when a contestant repeatedly gave the same wrong answer during a round of the Steve Harvey-hosted game.

“What’s another way people say mother?” Harvey asked Sheila of the Patterson family moments after her teammates answered “mommy” and “nana.” (“Mommy” was on the board, “Nana” wasn’t.)

“Nana,” Sheila replied, saying the word with a slightly different pronunciation.

“Didn’t you say nana?” Harvey asked her relative, while trying to decipher Sheila’s answer. “Was you trying to say it in Spanish or something?”

A dumbfounded Harvey then asked her again, “What’s another way people say mother?” and she — again — replied with a previously submitted answer.

“What about mommy?” she asked, putting an emphasis on the second syllable. Harvey, at a loss for words, then turned to the audience and said, “This s—t can’t be happening.”

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Watch the hilarious moment above.

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Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-03-29