
Fame | Geoff Diehl net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Geoff Diehl? When is Geoff Diehl's birthday? Where is Geoff Diehl born? Where did Geoff Diehl grow up from? What's Geoff Diehl's age?

Geoff Diehl Born: April 23, 1969 (age 54years), Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States

Is Geoff Diehl married? When did Geoff Diehl get married? Who's Geoff Diehl's married to? (Who's Geoff Diehl's husband / wife)?

Geoff Diehl Spouse: KathyJo Boss

Does Geoff Diehl have any children? What are the names of Geoff Diehl's children? What are the ages of Geoff Diehl's children?

Geoff Diehl Children: Kaylee Diehl, Emily Diehl

Geoff Diehl Education: Lehigh University

Geoff Diehl Party: Republican Party

Geoff Diehl Previous position: Massachusetts State Representative (20112019)


Aldo Pusey

Update: 2024-03-16