Fame | Nana Acheampong net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024
How old is Nana Acheampong? When is Nana Acheampong's birthday? Where is Nana Acheampong born? Where did Nana Acheampong grow up from? What's Nana Acheampong's age?
Nana Acheampong Born: August 16, 1966 (age 56years), Abuakwa, Ghana
How about Nana Acheampong's albums?
Nana Acheampong Albums: The Lover Boy, Simeso, Huhuhuhuenye Mehu, MORE
How about Nana Acheampong's parents?
Nana Acheampong Parents: OP Samuel Kofi Acheampong
Does Nana Acheampong have any children? What are the names of Nana Acheampong's children? What are the ages of Nana Acheampong's children?
Nana Acheampong Children: Gyakie
Where is Nana Acheampong now?
After many years of singing, Nana formed a recording studio called Owoahene Studio in Suame Kumasi. He has used the studio to record his songs and help others produce their music. He is the Executive Producer for Owoahene Music.
Who is the father of Nana Acheampong?
He was born and bred in Abuakwa in the Ashanti Region. He attended the Kumasi Technical Institute and while in school, he led the school band. Nana left for Germany in the 1980s and played with the Talking Drum Band. He later formed his own band before joining the Lumba Brothers band.
What is the life history of Nana Acheampong?
He was born and bred in Abuakwa in the Ashanti Region. He attended the Kumasi Technical Institute and while in school, he led the school band. Nana left for Germany in the 1980s and played with the Talking Drum Band. He later formed his own band before joining the Lumba Brothers band.